
Meet your classmates, meet your support team, ask questions, and learn more about living and learning at Beloit!

What is Orientation?

Students hanging out during new student days.

Orientation is a series of programs designed to welcome new students into the Beloit community.

There is an emphasis on students building connections with other students, connecting with campus mentors, and understanding the resources available to them.

The Orientation team is excited to welcome our newest Beloiters!

Reach Out!

We’re ready to help you best prepare for your time at Beloit.

Summer 2024 Online Orientation: July 7-11

Everything you need to know to make the most of your first year at Beloit.

Meet your classmates, learn about all of our favorite spaces on campus, and get a sneak peek into residential living at Beloit during our virtual Summer Orientation programming.

In addition to lots of fun events, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with key campus staff and ask lots of questions about important issues like health, safety, and financial wellness. Invite your family and supporters!

All events will be offered twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening, so choose the sessions that work best for you and your family. The full schedule will be available in May.

Spring 2023 Semester

Spring Orientation (January 18-20)

One of the best parts about coming to Beloit College is being able to participate in New Student Orientation. This program is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, register for your classes, learn about where you will live and study, and be welcomed with open arms.






View Past Sessions

If you were unable to attend an orientation session live, recordings of previous sessions are available at any time. Use the link below to browse our archive of previous summer orientation sessions and to get caught up on everything you need to know as a new Beloiter.

View Past Sessions

Recorded Events

There are currently no upcoming events.


We’ll be adding events once the schedule is finalized.

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