Submit a Student Job Posting

Please complete this form to have a student position listed as open on the Student Employment page. This is for on-campus jobs/work only; personal or external inquiries will be ignored.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

header field

About the Position

required text field
The position must have a current and approved job description on file with the Human Resources office.
required text field
required checkbox field
Semesters or Breaks when Work is Available*
required textarea field
Current needs (“to work Tuesdays”), specific roles within position (“need math and physics tutors”), start/end dates, etc.
text field
If one exists.
required radio button field
Duration of the Job Posting*
header field

Contact Information

paragraph field

All postings must identify the position’s supervisor or the person facilitating the hiring so may be contacted for additional information or to apply.

required text field
required text field
required e-mail address field
text field
header field

Application Information

required radio button field
Type of Application*
text field
If one exists.
required radio button field
How should students apply?*
text field
required checkbox field
What required application materials must a student submit?*
text field
text field

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